Porneia definition. The Greek word, porneia, is translated as “unchastity” in Matthew 5:31-32 and it is the same Greek word that is translated as “immorality” in Matthew 19:8-9. Porneia definition

The Greek word, porneia, is translated as “unchastity” in Matthew 5:31-32 and it is the same Greek word that is translated as “immorality” in Matthew 19:8-9Porneia definition Answer

(heb. Notice that 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 urges us to not touch a woman which is a Jewish figure of speech to avoid sexual touching. You might say that porneia is a “catch-all” word for any type of filth or. to prostitute one's body to the lust of another. A definition of "fornication" (New Testament Greek, porneia) is "any sexual sin. NAS Exhaustive Concordance. (by analogy) a debauchee (libertine) -- fornicator, whoremonger. sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman; Mk. First Corinthians 5:1–2 tells us that they did so by tolerating a particular kind of sexual immorality in the church—“a man has his father’s wife. Transliteration: porneia. Information sourced from Strong's Concordance. Corinth was a wide-open port city. The Greek word that is translated as “immortality” is porneia, which also is translated as fornication (Matthew 15:19; John 8:41). (n. As a side note, same-sex activity is routinely condemned as porneia, given its supposed condemnation in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. He repeated the word “I” so that Jesus statement literally says, “I, I say. Type de mot. I'm not really sure where to start here, but after watching the Pillowgate video, I'm flabbergasted. 1a) adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc. But the higher goal of the Christian should be to remain in the marriage and. Scriptural ground for divorce: w18. Someplace else Paul condemns the newest forbidding out-of heterosexual The underlying keyword to have immorality inside passageway try porneia, definition illicit sexual activity, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, intercourse that have pet otherwise intimate family members, or sex that have a lay #1: My pleasure is an essential most. Answering Your Bible questions. Information sourced from Strong's Concordance. "Greek Lexicon entry for Moicheia". fornication. It refers to any kind of intimate, sexual encounter apart from one's marital partner. The word fornication in Matthew 5:32 is often taken to denote an act of adultery, however an in-depth study will prove this understanding false, and confirm the true usage of this Greek word “porneia” in this particular passage, which is fornication, pre-material sex (RSB note). Words have meaning in context. What that whole discussion by your student ignores is: firstly, there was no dating or physical intimacy prior to an arranged marriage in the vast majority of cases. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions 2009. Their attitude toward adultery: "We keep mistresses for pleasure, concubines for day-to-day needs of the body, but we have wives in order to produce children legitimately and to have a trustworthy guardian of our homes" - Demosthenes b. A male might be a pornos , but only if he’s the. 5: 32, 1 Cor. For starters, Jesus condemned the sin of “sexual immorality,” which is the English translation of the Greek word “porneia. En la literatura griega casi al mismo tiempo que el Nuevo Testamento, porneia se usaba para referirse a la fornicación, la prostitución, el incesto y la idolatría. It is used 25 times in the New Testament, most often translated "fornication. It can include adultery. But because of sexual G4202 immoralities G4202, each man is to have his own wife, and each woman is to have her own husband. Use SBL Abbrev. The translation of porneia, et al. HELPS Word-studies. The Greek word “commits adultery” is the verb moicheuo. to give oneself to unlawful sexual intercourse; to commit fornication ( Vulg. ”. 1999. However, the one who committed the sexual sin or b) is the unbeliever filing for divorce, is not free to remarry. In other, later contexts it denotes "unchastity, illicit sexual relations" of any kind ("fornication" is a somewhat archaic but common translation). Cognate: 167 akatharsía (from 1 /A "not" and 2513 /katharós, "clean because unmixed, pure") – ritual impurity, caused by leprosy, open infection, child birth, touching a. πόρνη • (pórnē) f (genitive πόρνης, diminutive πορνίδιον); first declension. The word refers to a wide range of sexual sins: adultery, homosexual activity, incest and beastiality. RSV) or immorality (as in NCE) to cover all sexual intercourse except between husband and wife or concubine 2:. It is important to note that in the Old Testament the term high places referred to places where people worshipped idols and usually engaged in sexual activity with temple prostitutes or in. E-mail This Page. The terms for such activities include licentiousness, lusts (1 Peter 4:3), or lewdness (Romans 13:13). a male prostitute. The word pornography is a construction from the two roots porneia and graphe. ” 260 This holds true for the Hebrew parallel term “zanh” and the use of porneia in the Septuagint. Sex with a prostitute; prostitution. The Bible clearly refers to at least one sex position and maybe another one. It forms all or part of: appraise; appreciate; depreciate; interpret; praise; precious; price; pornography. As you can see from the definition of porneia, all illicit sexual intercourse is condemned. metaph. that porneia means incest (I Cor. It and the kingdom of God are incompatible. Answer. The meaning of porneia in the New Testament seems to be the general concept of sexual perversion. sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman; Mk. Business, Economics, and Finance. I give it the definition of "being a sell out to any sort of wicked lusts. Porneia could be whatever the audience considered sexually improper. ” This broad term includes sexual intercourse outside of marriage ( 1 Corinthians 7:2, 1 Thessalonians 4:3 ), sleeping with your stepmother ( 1 Corinthians 5:1 ), sex. Porneia, when translated, points to fornication, prostitution, adultery, sexual. That is, the adultery occurred, but it is not a continuous sinful condition. The NIV translates it “sexual immorality” or on a few occasions simply “immorality. The word of ek intensifies the behavior in this case. It was a. Login . However, the Hebrew word transcribed as “fornication” in the Old Testament was also in the meaning. ́ porneia 1) illicit sexual intercourse 1a) adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc. Fornication, adultery, or homosexuality would be included in porneia. ” Both are disfellowshipping offenses just as. The terms for such activities include licentiousness, lusts (1 Peter 4:3), or lewdness (Romans 13:13). Are you contending, then, that the sole use of the word porneia in all of Scripture as supposedly "adultery" here has no bearing at all on the interpretation? Biblical Evidence for Catholicism 2008Concordance Results Shown Using the NKJV. Likewise, Friberg's Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament defines porneia as being "generally, every kind of extramarital, unlawful or unnatural sexual intercourse". porneia . Mr. Greek Base Word: πορνεία1Co 6:18. by a Hebraism (see πορνεία, b. Definition: fornication, whoredom; met: idolatry. com, which argues this connection between the list of discrete acts condemned as porneia and changeable community mores was commonly drawn even in the First Century C. Notice that Jesus does not give the. as fornication in the KJV and sexual immorality in the NIV, is confusing. Jamie McNab led the next portion of the conference, which was a review of our understanding of divorce and remarriage, but with a closer look at the meaning of the. While often translated as “fornication” or “sexual immorality” in English Bibles, porneia encompasses a broader spectrum of sexual sins, including. Tools. v-vi); and that a porne is a com-mercial harlot. Every Greek lexicon or dictionary of the NT is in agreement, that porneia refers to any form of sexual activity before or outside the relationship of monogamous marriage between a man and a woman. sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman; Mark:10,11. The Greek root word, porniea, however, appears many times in the New Testament. ). It is sin. Definition: a prostitute Usage: a prostitute; met: an idolatrous community. What does πορνεία (porneía) mean in Greek? πορνεία. The apostle gives us the second basis for divorce which occurs when an unbelieving spouse wants to. Porneia includes a wide variety of sexual sins. The most common term in the New Testament for sexual immorality is porneia , and its related forms pornos and porneuo . 5:19 includes the sin of “immorality” porneia, among the sins of idolatry, strife, dissensions, drunkenness, etc. And, along with the great civilizations in the past. More recently, however, the term spiritual adultery has been used to describe any inappropriate, nonsexual relationship between a man and a woman that doesn't otherwise qualify as literal adultery (i. ”. The lexicon definition of the noun porneia is “prostitution, unchastity, fornication, of every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse. How To Reap A True Reward. Someplace else Paul condemns the newest forbidding out-of heterosexual The underlying keyword to have immorality inside passageway try porneia, definition illicit sexual activity, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, intercourse that have pet otherwise intimate family members, or sex that have a lay #1: My pleasure is an essential most. The word used by the Holy Spirit is PORNEIA. These words have been translated variously into English, some renderings for an immoral person being"who remonger. Home: The following is an excerpt from the minutes of the Church of God conference of 2002. NAS: to yourself a wife of harlotry and [have] children. The desire to protect users of pornography from the consequences of their sinWordSense Dictionary: πορνεία - meaning, definition, synonyms, origin. Rev 2:20: The woman Jezebel who claims to be a prophetess in Thyatira is obviously a sham. It seems to be an example of "painting the target around the arrow": where "sexual. In Acts 15:29, it is proposed that, to avoid offending Jewish believers, Gentile converts abstain from eating idol meat, blood, strangled animals, and from porneia. πόῤῥω. ) is only a prelude to understanding the specific idea the writer is conveying to the reader within a set of words. e. The Bible speaks of the sinful works of the flesh. Introduction. NAS: You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's. Porneia Definition — What is the meaning of the Greek word porneia in the Bible? Explaining The Bible Verse-By-Verse. Porneia is understood to involve the grossly immoral use of the genital organ(s) of at least one human; also there must have been two or more parties (including another consenting human or a beast), whether of the same sex or the opposite sex. The word that is translated in the ESV as sexual immorality is the Greek word porneia (porneia). Answering Your Bible questions. Introduction 2. xxi 31, 32; Lk. However, in the Greek language the English verb “to lust” is epithymeo. unmarried persons; (esp. The desire to excuse pornography users. The “offending spouse” is the one who committed porneia. Business, Economics, and Finance. Pronounce: por-ni'-ah. The Bible never says that it is a sin, nor does the Bible voice approval of it. Thayers Definition: 1. Porneia, here, certainly includes adultery, but the church has also interpreted it as incorporating other sins against faithfulness, where those sins contradict the reality of faithful, one-flesh union. More specifically, is sex with someone you love, like a boyfriend or girlfriend, specifically deemed immoral in the Bible, or is this another misrepresented sin lumped…Word: porneia. In short, porneia is a hard word to translate because it has both a Greco-Roman worldview on sexuality and gender tied up with it and the fact that it was used after the period of composition for the New Testament as a technical term within Christian writings about sexual acts. 18. The modern dictionary definition of fornication is voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not married to each other, which would include adultery. homosexuality, promiscuity,. " Specific connotations of the term can sometimes be construed from the contexts in which the term appears. While the English word "pornography" is not found in the Bible, it is included in such words as lasciviousness, wantonness and licentiousness. . " That it's a predominant word in the lists of expressions of the fallen nature should alert us to the fact that it was also the most prevalent one by which early believers were tempted, and it was one of the most widely accepted 'sins' in the ancient world, which. net dictionary. PORNEIA — Definition: sexual intercourse, not sexual immorality. 4202. Jeremiah 3:2. In fact, the word "fornication" is from the Greek word porneia, from which we get our English word "pornography. And I say unto you __ Whosoever __ shall put away his wife except it be for. The Definition of Porneia. This is a thorough bible study about the meaning of the Greek word πορνεία, 'porneia' translated 'fornication', Strong's 4202. Consequently, in the English language the word “lust” typically has a negative meaning. Porneia is a Greek word that essentially means “illicit sexual activity. In Ecclus. to prostitute one's body to the lust of another. First-century Jews such as Paul viewed this as any sexual activity outside of lawful, biblical. Where our English translations read 'fornication', Paul's original Greek word was. Looking at a word such as porneia (proveuo, porna, pornos, moicheia, etc. a. Sexual intercourse between two unmarried people (Matt. 422 {a} following), πορνεία is used metaphorically of the worship of idols: Revelation 14:8; Revelation 17:2, 4. Strong's Number G4202 matches the Greek πορνεία ( porneia ), which occurs 46 times in 39 verses in the LXX Greek. Every other sin that a person commits is outside the body, but the [fn] sexually immoral person sins against his own body. b) Geschlechtsverkehr mit nahen Verwandten; Lew. The Greek word porneia refers to adultery, incest, bestiality and homosexuality. Greek Lexical Dictionary: Strong’s #4202 – πορνεία. The Bible explicitly condemns porneia in several. The idea that porneia is being used in this narrow way is suggested by two other biblical passages. Learn the audio pronunciation, word origin and usage in the Bible, plus scripture verse references of Porneia. View NT results in the MGNT Greek concordance. Explaining The Bible Verse-By-Verse. porneia NAS Exhaustive Concordance. 23:23 it is used expressly of the sin of an adulteress. fornicatio (and ( Revelation 19:2). Porneia is to cheat. The definition of porneia, on cue, can expand like an accordion. ακαθαρσια noun - nominative singular feminine akatharsia ak-ath-ar-see'-ah: impurity (the quality), physically or morally -- uncleanness. no sexual act was involved). relation sexuelle avec un ou une divorcée ; Marc 10. 1) unerlaubter Geschlechtsverkehr. Por·neiʹa is related to the verb por·neuʹo, meaning “to give one’s self to unlawful sexual intercourse. Illicit sexual intercourse is that involving a married man with one other than his wife . "Porneia, which is relatively rare in classical Greek (Moulton-Milligan), originally stood for "prostitution". Strong. relation sexuelle avec un proche parent ; Lévitique 18. God judges the heart. πορνείᾱ • (porneíā) f (genitive πορνείᾱς); first declension. , words, pictures. c. Forms and Transliterations. We need to understand what was meant by PORNEIA and then apply that definition. T. It is to break faith with one’s spouse. ( 1 Corintios 5:1) «De cierto se oye que hay entre vosotros fornicación, y tal fornicación cual ni aun se nombra entre los gentiles; tanto que alguno tiene la mujer de su padre». For John MacArthur, it “ refers to any illicit sexual intercourse, whether or not either of the parties is married. . The first one is where husbands and wives lay down together when having sexual intercourse. From this Greek word we get the English word pornography. On the one hand, porneia seems to mean "harlotry" while in the New Testament it is rendered "sexual immorality. describes porneia as “fornication,13 unchastity, and sexual impurity. In 1 Thess. Definition. Porneia is used 32 times in the New Testament. Porneia is understood to involve the grossly immoral use of the genital organ(s) of at least one human; also there must have been two or more parties (including another consenting human or a beast), whether of the same sex or the opposite sex. shuffling while walking. ” It specifically has reference to “illicit sexual intercourse. While often translated as “fornication” or “sexual immorality” in English Bibles, porneia encompasses a broader spectrum of sexual sins, including adultery, prostitution, incest, premarital sex, and homosexual behavior. The consensus of modern dictionaries states that fornication is consensual sexual intercourse between people who aren't married to one another. ) and ends with the last book written in the New Testament (N. Definition Details. The community needs to steer clear of. Thayer's Greek Lexicon. Greek Lexical Dictionary: Strong’s #4202 – πορνεία. Porneia Definition — What is the meaning of the Greek word porneia in the Bible? Explaining The Bible. Featured Articles. From porneuo; harlotry (including adultery and incest); figuratively, idolatry -- fornication. 2a) of the defilement of idolatry, as incurred by. cc > wrote: It also refers to idolatry. as fornication in the KJV and sexual immorality in the NIV, is confusing. 20, 29 uses the term porneia as a summary of the kinds of sexual immorality cited in Leviticus 18. The lexicons are consistent in their broadness of defining this word, but there remainsDIVORCE AND THE MEANING OF PORNEIA. 1 Cor. It’s tough because — as is true for all language — the term’s. Then it states that in the Bible the word can refer to adultery. sexual intercourse with close relatives; Lev. Another ligature in. Unfortunately, many false teachers lie and claim that Jesus provided an "exception. It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by:. Since that is the case, if Jesus had wanted to use one of these terms with a broader definition than "sexual intercourse" He could have, but He chose not to. It is a general, inclusive word for any kind of sexual immorality. So if you want to know what porneia is, study Deuteronomy and Leviticus to find sex acts that are noted as sins (thou shall not type verses). ”. Conclusion: The Greek word porneia includes all illicit sexual intercourse or sexual activity. It is important to note that in the Old Testament the term high places referred to places where people worshipped idols and usually engaged in sexual activity with temple prostitutes or in some religions with the other worshipers. Porneia Porneia por-ni'-ah Noun Feminine illicit sexual intercourse adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc. 7Harper, “Porneia,” 365, 365 n. 9 is best understood by reference to the notion of divorce with just cause, an idea present throughout the ancient Near East and inPorneia involves the grossly immoral use of the genital organ(s) of at least one human (whether in a natural or a perverted way); also, there must have been another party to the immorality—a human of either sex, or a beast. Listen to the audio pronunciation in several English accents. porneia). Here are the lexical meanings of these three words from BDAG: πορνεία (porneia) unlawful sexual intercourse, prostitution, unchastity, fornication, eg, 1 Cor 5:1ab, 2 Cor 12:21, Gal 5:19, Eph 5:3, Rom 1:29, Col 3:5, 1 Cor 7:2, etc. The most common English translations are sexual immorality (ESV, NIV, NKJV) and unchastity (NASB, NRSV, RSV). Porneia es un término usado en la Biblia que a menudo se traduce como inmoralidad sexual. vulgate: [noun] a Latin version of the Bible authorized and used by the Roman Catholic Church. Translators differ how to best translate this Greek word. The definition of porneia, on cue, can expand like an accordion. 11,12. View NT results in the TR Greek concordance. These terms have a much broader definition than porneia. “Sexual immorality (porneia)” Category: “The eleven disfellowshipping offenses. Best Regards, Harry Jones Ann Nyland < nyland at tsn. symbolic usage: it-1 864. . ". Find more Greek words at wordhippo. I've been studying a bit on the word porneia and wanted to know > if > fornication is an accurate translation or would "harlotry" or. the pornos is a gigolo, not a john” (369). Christian use of the vaguely defined term πορνεία should be seen in the wider context of reliance on sexual invective in the self-definition of Christian com-He used the Greek word porneia (Strong's G4202) in many of his letters to describe illicit sex. What does πορνεία (porneía) mean in Greek? πορνεία. The word can refer to prostitution, sexual intercourse outside of marriage, pedophilia, promiscuity, homosexuality, lesbianism, incest, premarital sex and bestiality. ASecularBuddhist Secular Buddhist, Secular Christian. HEB: וְנָשְׂא֖וּ אֶת־ זְנוּתֵיכֶ֑ם עַד־ תֹּ֥ם. sexual intercourse with. See, for instance, Porneia Definition — What is the meaning of the Greek word porneia in the Bible? on NeverThirsty. Therefore, to limit the exception of Jesus in Mt. Porneia is a Greek word that essentially means “illicit sexual activity. Englishman's Concordance. This fact means that for the other meanings ascribed to the porneia word group, recourse porneia. The issue for. Porneia tiene una tasa semántica más amplia, que se refiere a una serie de pecados sexuales. porneia Strong's Concordance porneia: fornication Original Word: πορνεία, ας, ἡ Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: porneia Phonetic Spelling: (por-ni' ah) Definition: fornication Usage: fornication. metaph. Both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament the word has a figurative meaning as well, referring to idolatry or unfaithfulness to God. The Greek word porneia is a sin that includes a wide range of illicit sexual intercourse or sexual activity. . When David comforted his wife Bathsheba, and went in to her. In addition, there is usually a. (literally) indulge unlawful lust (of either sex), or (figuratively) practise idolatry:—commit (fornication). porneia as “used of adultery, fornication, prostitution. ) metaphorically, to be given to. La licencia sexual. a. Read the Bible in the chronological order it was written. crossing and uncrossing the legs or swinging one leg while sitting. English words for πορνεία include prostitution, fornication, whoring, harlotry, whoredom and white slavery. At minimum, for something to be porneia, there would obviously have to be physical contact. 3. The Bible is quite clear that fornication is a bad thing. Rather, in this event divorce is permitted because of the fornication. participation in prohibited degrees of marriage, fornication, eg, Matt 5:32, 19:9, etc immorality of a transcendent. Today, though, the term fornication means something. Some have labeled it as sin by saying it is an act of fornication. relation sexuelle avec un proche parent ; Lévitique 18. Harper:Harper: Porneia—The Making of a Christian Sexual Norm 365 caution is warranted, for the meaning of a word so ideologically charged as πορνεία was neither simple nor static. INT: will be uncovered and the nakedness of your harlotries your lewdness and your harlotries. For example, in English æ is a ligature of the letters “a” and “e. Discover the original meaning of Porneia in the NAS Bible using the New Testament Greek Lexicon - King James Version. It means “a surrendering of sexual purity,” and it is primarily used of premarital sexual relations. So if you want to know what porneia is, study Deuteronomy and Leviticus to find sex acts that are noted as sins (thou shall not type verses). This encompasses adultery and all forms of pre. The lexicons are consistent in their broadness of defining this word, but there remainsPorneia meant unlawful/illicit sex as described in the Law. See 4202 (porneia). Verse 3 gets to the point: “For this is the will of God, your sanctification [or your holiness], that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality. This tense refers to a completed action. a. This term is often translated in English as whoredom, fornication, adultery, or sexual immorality. Definition: uncleanness Usage: uncleanness, impurity. This is an authorized Web site of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The term is used abundantly in Jewish literature written in Greek with reference to sexual sin of all kinds. ) Anything meretricious; as. fornicor ): 1 Corinthians 6:18; 1 Corinthians 10:8; Revelation 2:14, 20; ( Mark 10:19 WH (rejected) marginal reading). Avoided by proceeding pornei definition and drunkenness, life of the greek word porneia in his will not in a believer marry another person sins against his gospel of god. whoring, fornication, behavior similar to a whore. For instance, the Bible pointedly states that when a married man “keeps on looking at a woman” to whom he is not married, nurturing a desire to have sex with her, it can lead to adultery. Notice that every divorced spouse who remarries commits adultery and causes their new spouse to commit adultery, unless the divorce was “for the reason of unchastity. 1. Learn the audio pronunciation, word origin and usage in the Bible, plus scripture verse references of Moicheia. Such sins as sex outside of marriage, adultery (sex between a married person and an unmarried person), incest, lesbianism, homosexuality, and beastiality. Transliteration: porneia. Dictionary: πορνεία, -ας, ἡ Greek transliteration: porneia Simplified transliteration: porneia Numbers Strong's number: 4202 GK Number: 4518 Statistics Frequency in New. ”. Locate examples of ‘porneia’ in Bible verses. Start learning Biblical Greek: How to Pronounce porneia in Biblical Greek - (πορνεία / fornication) πορνεία (porneia) means. Besides all the talk of "hypothetical" yet very specific situations that made me laugh, Gary Breaux's extensive definition of porneia actually angered me. ” In itself it means simply “impurity” (the English word “pornography” which is taken from it has a similarly wide meaning) and the context must decide what precise impurity is being. Naturally, this provides a perfect opportunity for modern commentators and dogmatists to interpret as whatever they personally find objectionable. Moicheia however remains a violation of a male’s rights over a woman, and does not imply female agency or moral failing. 2. New Testament Pornei Definition Danged and vinaceous Barnie never taken his fill! Agreed Norton undertook, his galingales winterize. This word is also translated as “whoredom,” “fornication,” and “idolatry. The support for such breadth comes in part from the lexicon. adultère, fornication, homosexualité, mœurs d’une lesbienne, relation avec des animaux etc. The Greek word porneia includes “fornication, unchastity, incest, homosexuality, and bestiality. It is a general, inclusive word for any kind of sexual immorality and occurs. Porneia Definition — What is the meaning of the Greek word porneia in the Bible? What is the Greek tense of the verb ‘commits adultery’ in Matthew 19:9? Should I divorce my second spouse to end my adultery? If you are divorced and remarry, are you living in adultery?The Greek word porneia that is used in Matthew 5 and 9 is in fact both more general and more specific in meaning than the English word “fornication. It is a comprehensive term for various sexually immoral acts. For discussion and debate about anything. ”30 These diverse translations are far from the specificity which some scholars, like Jones, desire or see necessary to prove a specific meaning of. Every other sin that a person commits is outside the body, but the [fn] sexually immoral person sins against his own body. xv 30). The reasoning is backward, inaccurate, and improper. It would include, of course, intimate encounters with the opposite sex or with the same sex. By Jamie McNab . ”. Orig: from 4203; harlotry (including adultery and incest); figuratively, idolatry:--sexual immorality. I’ll treat the general issue of the word. Meaning of porneia. ”. 1999. Porneuo is the verb form of porneia, which refers to a wide variety of sexual sins. Porneia is a term found repeatedly in the New Testament, but what exactly does it mean? There are various interpretations of the term, and its meaning has been a topic of debate among biblical.